Kamis, 31 Oktober 2019


Hasil gambar untuk red fox classification

Kingdom: animalia
Phylum : chordata
Class : mamalia
Order : carnivora
Family : canidae
Genus : vulpes
Species : V.vulpes

The color of the red fox ranges from pale yellowish red to reddish brown on the white top.  The bottom of the foot is usually black and the tail usually has a white tip.  The red fox weighs between 6 and 15 pounds, with an average length of 18 to 35 inches.  The red fox has an elongated body and relatively short limbs. The tail, which is longer than half the body length. The fox has pointed ears, long canine teeth, and eyes with vertical slits and a nictitating membrane.They are very agile, able to jump over fences as high as 2 meters (6 feet 7 in), and swim well. They also take abandoned burrows made by other animals or sometimes share with them. For example, foxes and badgers will live together in a form of mutualism where the fox provides scraps of food brought back to the den while the badger keeps the area clean.

The population in the southern desert and in North America is smaller than the European population. The red fox ranges across the Northern Hemisphere into Central America, North Africa, and Asia. It does not live in Iceland, in some deserts, or in the extreme polar regions of the Arctic and Siberia. The red fox was introduced to Australia in the 1830s. The species is banned from New Zealand under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act of 1996.

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019

Malala Yousafzai


“Let us make our future now, and let us make our dream tomorrow’s reality,” - Malala Yousafzai

 Malala Yousafzai is a woman from Pakistan,she is the youngest person ever to receive the highest humanitarian award "The Nobel" at the age 17.In her country,Pakistan,initially didn't allow women to get proper education.Malala made a movement to defend women's rights in terms of education.He made a blog containing the rights of Middle Eastern women.

Malala's wasn't smooth,he was chased by Taliban groups,physically tortured so that didn't make her give up,he continued to carry out his humanitarian action,until the end Malala become a women who was considered to be a hero in her country and won the highest achievements in the humanitarian field.

Why Malala Yousafzai?

She gives me a motivation to make my future now and make my dream come true.She told me we must fight injustice and we must get our rights and she told me that women also have the right to learn and the right to work ,not only at home by doing homework.